My family

My Mother's name is María and She is 48 years old. She is secretary. My father's name is Juan, he is 48 Years old. He is environmental engineer. I have a brother and a sister, My brother's name is Cristián and he is 28 years old. And my sister's name is fiorella and She is 24 years old. They are professionals. 

My Neighborhood 

I live on punchana street near the Grau square. My house is between the Coquito restaurant and the Lucho Burger restaurant. 

My Routine 

On weekdays after school, I always do my university activities (homework). Then, I usually go to the square with my friends or stay in my room and read comic books. On the weekend we go for a walk as a family. Also I like go to the beach and play bolley there.

What I Like! 

I Like dance pop and Synth pop music. taylor Swift and Dua Lipa are my favorite singers. All their songs are awesome!. Finally, I also Like watch movies on TV and series on Netflix. 


  1. A great blog, and it has interesting things about you! Good job

  2. Excellent!👍 I like to watch movies on Netflix, too.

  3. hi luis, it's good to meet some new people. I like the design of your blog.

  4. 🤗nice blog, super detailed and talks a lot about you. keep it up, congratulations.🤩🤩


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